Saturday, May 19, 2012

Funny People

Cancer is one of those things that makes people act funny.  People never know what to say.  And sometimes the dumbest, most stupid things come out of people's mouths.  It's like...did you just say that out loud???  For example, I dated this guy a couple years ago and things didn't work out.  He disrespected me by calling me a few vulgar names in the beginning and I stopped talking to him.  Months later he contacted me trying to rekindle things and my dumb butt gave in.  What can I say.  I was either on drugs (I don't do drugs) or just had a really low self esteem.  Things were never the same.  I didn't feel the same about him anymore and the flame was just gone for me.  But I entertained his advances.  He's lives an hour away so if he wanted to see me, then he had to come to my town.  He would text me here and there and I would respond.  Then after I was diagnosed and he contacted me, I told me about my cancer.  A few weeks later, he sent me a text to check up on me.  At this point, I was very angry.  It's one of those popular emotions one gets as a cancer patient in the beginning.  I was angry because I felt cheated and robbed.  I expressed this to him and he told me, "You should feel blessed to have lived 30 years of your life as there are children with cancer who die everyday."  I told him to f*ck off.  He completely invalidated my feelings.  I should feel blessed that I'm dying????  Why don't I get to live to be 80 like every other human being???? He apologized to me but I never spoke to him after that.  He continued to text me every couple of weeks and I deleted them without responding.  Then he started to call me and leave me voicemails. Maybe I should have the courtesy to tell him that I want no contact with him but I figure he would cop a clue after not responding to his texts for almost 3 months now.  Just because I have cancer does not mean that I'm going to forgive everyone and let them into my life.  No.  The buck stops here.  I don't need negative or nasty people in my life.  I've learned to forgive myself but I don't forget what other people have done to me.

Another example is that date I went on a couple of weeks ago.  I dated him last year but things didn't work out because I chose the bad boy over him.  I ended up paying for dinner and then when we were hanging out at my place, he was all trying to make out with  me and I wasn't having any of it.  I was tucking my lips in my mouth and cringing.  Dude could not cop a clue.  So he continued to text me and call me and I was just done and over him.  Again, I should have the common courtesy to tell him that I really don't want him in my life anymore, but I'm hoping he would have gotten the hint after not responding.  I finally had my friend tell him to back off after he kept calling.

I was asked recently how do I find the strength to fight cancer and keep going.  The person said that if they had cancer they would kill themselves.  It shocked me.  Never once have I thought about giving up and killing myself. I've had rough days where the pain is unbearable and I question why I am putting my body through this.  I just found it ridiculous.  I've had my fair share of "things you shouldn't say to a cancer patient."  Now when people say silly things, I just ignore them and have a good laugh about it later with my fellow warriors.  I know it's awkward and people just want to relate.  At one point, I kept getting messages from people who told me that they had a loved one who passed away from cancer.  It crossed my mind...does that mean death is inevitable for me??? But now, I've learned that people just want to empathize with what I'm going through.  And I can appreciate that.  Cancer is a nasty bastard.

I finally had enough of the whole online dating thing and I deleted my profile yesterday.  What a huge relief.  I did get a lot of responses, many from men wishing me the best in my battle and others who were interested in talking with me. But there was one guy who said the wrong thing to me.

don't know why someone in your position would come to a site like this and expose themselves to the public like this.

It was completely shocking to me.  Am I a leper???? It completely threw me off and angered me.  He went on and on giving me his unsolicited advice.  I ended up blocking him.  I didn't understand what I was exposing.  That I have cancer?  Oh well.  I was upfront and honest about it.  If people didn't want to date me, then don't hit the "send message" button.  I hold no ill will for people who are not interested in me for fear of getting hurt because of my prognosis.  I often wonder if I have the "easy job" of dying, since I'm not going to be left behind to feel the heartache and to grieve.

One thing I have to address is the weight loss cancer patients go through.  DO NOT tell me I look good because I've lost 40 lbs.  You can tell me I look good because I have a smile on my face.  When I was having symptoms but did not know I had cancer, it was a horrible experience.  I had no appetite, when I could eat I would maybe eat 1/2 cup of food, and I was lucky if I didn't vomit it.  I lost all my muscle tone and had no energy.  Cancer patients undergoing treatment are advised to maintain their weight, as I have.  Even though I would love to lose another 20 lbs, I can't.  And some cancer patients who were already at a healthy weight might lose additional weight causing them to be very thin.  Do not make comments to them about how lucky they are to lose weight.  It doesn't feel good!  I had one guy who I dated 3 years ago find me on the dating website, only look at my pictures, ignoring what I wrote on my profile, message me about how good I looked and to keep up the good work at the gym.  I messaged him back telling him that if he had read my profile, he would have learned that I had cancer and that is why I thinner.  It was just an insensitive thing to say.  I would rather be 40 lbs heavier if it meant that my diagnosis was a stomach ulcer rather than cancer.

Another goody is alternative treatment.  DO NOT tell us you know the cure for cancer.  DO NOT talk to us about conspiracy theories on how there is a cure out there but Big Pharma doesn't want to tell us because there is no profit in curing cancer.  We are going through enough as is and we do need the added pressure of someone telling us that we are doing it all wrong by choosing chemo.  Believe me, we do our research on alternative treatments and other things that can compliment our treatment but we don't need people who are not oncologist or hold PhD's piping in with their 2 cents.  You can research your little heart out on the internet, but that does not make you God.  I am a stage IV gastric cancer patient.  There is no cure.  I've accepted it and so should you.

I don't know why people act funny when it comes to cancer.  I know it's a difficult topic, but I wish people would not be as afraid.  I know that a lot of people are following my journey and I really do appreciate that.  But sometimes it hurts me to think about friends that I've known who haven't messaged me or acknowledged what I'm going through.  Maybe we lost touch and Facebook is the only thing that keeps us connected but the friendship doesn't have to be lost.  Last week I was contacted by an old childhood friend and it gave my heart so much joy to catch up with her.  It wasn't awkward at all.  And she has been really supported of me, allowing me to vent on her.  I just want people to know that it's not too late.  I've had a few old high school friends message me to tell me that although they aren't very vocal and they silently follow me from afar, they are thinking of me.  And I appreciate this so much!  But again, I hold no ill will towards anyone who hasn't connected with me. I just have to admit that it does hurt a little.

But I want to thank some people in my life that have truly shown me support and love.  Janet, for helping me out and making sure that I shower everyday.  Taylor, for coming by several times a week with my Starbucks and making sure that my garbage is thrown out.  Anthony, for making me laugh and helping me feel normal.  Jamie, for texting me funny pictures everyday that bring a smile to my face.  Mimi, for hanging out with me, lending me her ears, and giving me really good advice.  I could go on and on recognizing people but this post would become really long.  I truly do appreciate everyone who has interacted with me on Facebook and has offered their support to me.  We may have never met in person, but knowing that I have this huge support system has made this journey more bearable.

So people, quit acting funny.  Yes, I have cancer and I'm living with it...not dying.  I'm pretty much a normal girl and can still do A LOT of the things that I used to do.  We don't have to talk cancer, but it does tend to come up a lot.  I'm always willing to answer any questions people have.  Even though I'm going through this, it doesn't mean that I'm off limits to hearing other people vent.  I'm here to support you, too!

Oh and the best thing you can say to this cancer patient:  I'm sorry you're going through this.  I'll be (praying/sending you positive vibes) for you.


  1. Marta even tho this sounds funny you are actually a lot of support for me!!! I find inspiration in you every day with every smiling picture you post reading your blog it encourages me to live life the best possible to be a better person! You don't know this and it's hard for people to understand what I'm talking about but I got sick about 8 months ago I had depression and severe anxiety it all started after my uncle past away unexpected in an accident and te the birth of my daughter brought the post partum depression but the anxiety cause me to think the first I had lupus and cancer no I wasn't crazy I was sick anxiety makes you think you are sick an you are going to die in my mind I was convinced I was going to leave behind my kids and that made me cry a LOT every day all day. It was the most horrible thing that happened to me but at the same time it was the best thing because it made me appreciate life every single thing about it and every single minute of it, I'm on medication now so I'm doing good. That's why Marta I admire you for your strength and for always keeping your head up! I wish there was a lot mate people that would appreciate life because most people don't know how presious every day is. Hope you keep as strong as you have been and that in your Journey you find peace and happiness with all the people that love you

  2. Brenda, I'm so happy that I can encourage you to live the best life possible! I also struggled with depression for years and today I don't have it. Go figure that I get cancer and I don't need depression medication anymore. I'm hoping that I can share the life lessons I learned because of cancer with everyone. Sadly I learned them the hard way but I feel blessed to appreciate life more today.
