I just wanted to write an update about something exciting I have to look forward to. Today my sister, her husband, and her friend are arriving from Seattle. I love having my family visit. But what makes this extra special is that we are going to drive down to LA this weekend and go to Disneyland! My oldest brother has been endlessly fundraising for me back in our hometown of Othello, WA. My friend Rachel sent me the flyer they are using and she is in on the fundraising, too. It absolutely touched my heart. This trip is my own create a wish. I've opted not to use The Dream Foundation. Because of my declining health and my lack of ability to travel, I asked my oncologist if it would be ok for me to do this trip and she gave me the thumbs up. Fundraising has made this trip possible but also it's helping my medical costs. I am on oxygen 24/7 and it isn't cheap. I just gave my debit card number to Apria Healthcare and they just charge me my monthly copays for the wheelchair, hospital bed, and oxygen. It has been adding up. I absolutely appreciate everyone that has donated to help me out. I am forever grateful.
Fundraiser back home. |
This week has been pretty uneventful. I still have this weird cough which won't go away. I have no fever or anything, it just brings up a clear phlegm. It's very annoying because if it gets out of control, it does make me vomit. I spend most of my days in my room either sleeping or on my computer. Finally yesterday, nurse Paula gave me a good pep talk after I broke down to her. She is the sweetest thing ever. She encouraged me to get out of the apartment in my wheelchair and just get some fresh air. She told me that I wasn't at a point where I was to be confined to my bed. So later that evening, I took my oxygen tank with me and my mom and I walked over to Trader Joe's to grab something for dinner. I live right behind the store. I took it slow and had to take a break outside on the benches, but we made it. My appetite has been non existent and nothing jumped out at me while in the store but I just picked out something that was half decent looking. I'm glad Paula gave me the motivation to get out but next time I am taking the wheelchair. I am just too winded walking by myself even with the oxygen. My mood has also been somewhat grumpy. My sister has been taking care of Power of Attorney stuff and I guess it's making me feel upset inside. I know that it has to be done but I just feel like I'm very much alive and well and kicking. Things need to go at my pace and I'm not ready to sign off on it. Maybe I just don't want to deal with the fact that I won't be here one day when I'm trying so hard to stay alive.
Posing with my oxygen tank. |
Today I went to Kaiser to get my dressing changed on my midline. I took a couple of pictures in the lobby area as I waited for nurse Cynthia to call me back. I decided I'm going to give my oxygen tank a name so I'm taking suggestions.
Just saying hello! |
I also got my nifty purple wig in the mail. I quickly brushed her out and snapped a pic. I really like it! If I dolled myself up with make up, I'm sure to look like a super star!
I love my new purple wig! |
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will make sure to take lots of pics and hopefully I meet plenty of the Disney characters. Please send me your prayers and positive vibes that I survive this trip without any troubles. Thank you so much!
Throwback: Summer of 1999 (17 year old Marta)
Throwback: 1982? That's baby Marta on the blanket. |