I just wanted to write a quick update about how I have been feeling lately. It seemed to me that I was having more bad days than good lately but I think all the prayers, positive vibes, and warm thoughts are working. Friday, July 20th, my cousin Delia and I headed in to Kaiser so I can get the dressing changed on my midline. I was feeling great. Afterwards we went shopping at Ulta and Target. I decided to treat myself to whatever I wanted, within reason. I bought a new dress and some nail polishes. I also put together a care package for one of my cancer sisters. I had a lot of fun doing that. The next day, I had a funeral to attend up north and my good friend Mimi drove. Afterwards on our way home, we took my cousin to the Golden Gate Bridge (she is from Los Angeles and had never been there before). We then went to Boudin's at Fisherman's Wharf and had a delicious lunch. I even surprised myself when I ate the whole salad I ordered! Two thumbs up for the bistro shrimp salad.
Goofing around with bread. |
Trying on a new hat! |
My feel good streak continued on Sunday and I invited my friend Mariya over and her kids so we can go swimming at the pool. We spent several hours splashing hours before they left just before dinner time. Monday was my lazy day and I spent the day lounging in the apartment but I was still feeling ok. Later on that night, my parents flew in from Washington state to visit. Since my 31st birthday is on Sunday, they were here to help me celebrate it. Tuesday we decided to venture out and do a little shopping but right as we were about to leave, I felt some nausea coming on and then I started to vomit. I didn't let this discourage me and I just took some anti-nausea medication, took a barf bag with me, and we headed out. I showed my family this awesome sno-cone place down the street, Snowee, where it's like eating fluffy, snow capped clouds! So good! I had asked my doctor if I could have a wheel chair just in case I got tired and needed to be pushed around since I have been having lung issues lately. She set me up with one and they delivered it Tuesday. Hopefully I won't need to too soon or often, but I like the idea of it.
Today, Wednesday, I started to feel a little under the weather and stayed in bed very late. My cousin asked me if I was having any pain and I felt a little bit so I took some liquid morphine. That did the trick! Within minutes, I was out of bed and getting ready for another outing. Morphine is my miracle drug. It does not make me feel high or drugged up. It just takes my pain away and it does this quickly. We stopped by Ross and did a little shopping and I saw a few old faces as this is where I used to work part time up until I stopped working in January. We had lunch at Red Robin, which was a treat for my family since they weren't used to eating at places like that. Everyone enjoyed their meal. I stopped by Toys R Us to pick up a True Hope doll for my giveaway that is ending on Sunday. Remember (US residents), if you want to enter, just email me! Lastly we went to Target where they had an awesome selection of cupcake theme party items. I love cupcakes! They are just so pretty and cheery and fun to look at.
I am truly blessed to wake up each and everyday. And I am so thankful that right now I am feel very good. I don't like being in pain or feeling sick so I am living it up while this feeling lasts. My siblings up in Washington are driving down tomorrow with an arrival date of Friday. They will be here to help me celebrate my birthday. Please keep them in your prayers as they make the drive down. I am so excited! I know my tiny 1 bedroom apartment will be packed, but it's going to be great! Everyone will be here except for 2 of my brothers who are unable to make it. This birthday is very special because we just don't know how many more I will get to celebrate. Hopefully I get many more. But for now, I'm taking things day by day and savoring these sweet moments. I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me along my journey. I can really feel all of you cheering me on and not letting me give up. For that, I truly thank you!
Testing out my wheelchair. |
My birthday hat? |