Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Effects of Chemo Brain

I had chemo #5 today and would love to blog about it but I am suffering from chemo brain.  Nothing I type come out right.  And I've been feeling so sick.  All I can do to update you on today's feelings is to create this short video for you.  Let's pray tomorrow is a better day.  Hopefully my I get a call from my oncologist.

Facebook Status of the Day:

My last night in Seattle. Must get up early for my 6am flight. This trip made me realize that I will never lose my battle against cancer. Although there is no cure and I will earn my wings one day, filling my life with beautiful people and experiences makes me a winner. I love my family, friends, and supporters dearly. Thank you all for helping me create a life worth living when it matters the most.


  1. Marta, I just saw your video the whole way through and I wanted to reach through the screen and give you a great big hug! Thank you for sharing that incredibly intimate and honest moment. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well and I hope you've found some meds to help w/ the side effects. My mom gets chemo brain too and it's hard for her to focus sometimes. Life can be so unfair. You're fighting so hard and I hope the results will show in your next scan. Remember, you're welcome to the east coast anytime. Broadway show on me! Until then, stay hydrated, eat what you can, and get plenty of rest.

  2. Hope things have improved and are looking up for you Martha.
