Saturday, March 17, 2012

Welcome to Team Marta

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  My mission is to share my journey and to inspire and encourage those even when the odds are against them.  I'm fighting with all my might as I battle stage IV stomach cancer.  My diagnosis came as a shock to me.  I had hoped it was just a really bad case of acid reflux or a stomach ulcer that wouldn't go away.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to write a blog.  Everyone tells me to focus on treatment.  And I do work with a therapist that is experienced in dealing with oncology patients.  But I wanted to leave a mark.  I wanted to bring my friends, family, and strangers, into the mind of a cancer patient.  I wanted to chronicle my appointments and share the experience.  And so I turned this once dating blog into my cancer journey blog.  I love being able to help other warriors out as they embark on this difficult journey.

Thank you for reading and supporting me with all your thoughts, prayers, and warm wishes.

My road isn't going to be easy, and it may end in heartache, but I promise it will be worth it.

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